Aug 6, 2005

Today at the Rockies!

We had such a fun day at the Teton River. It is just below the Rockie Mountains. There really isn't anything much prettier.
We found this quiet spot and climed or some of us slid, down and just piched a spot and stayed all afternoon. Joe and the boys had a blast floating down the river on the air mattresses we brought. It was a really fun day. I just love having our family alone in the peace and quiet away from the world, the only thing better would be to have more family with us! :)


Seable Family said...

It looks like ya'll have lots of fun. We should plan to get together for Labor day weekend. Maybe camping or something.

Malinda said...

Looks like your family does lots of fun things. They are all so big. Marcia fills us in on all that you guys are doing. Take a look at our blog.
I know, the longest name ever.
Talk to you later.